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Glen Power talks about music, their new single, reflect on the past two years of the band's career and what's next for them after their tour

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Glen Power talks about music, their new single, reflect on the past two years of the band's career and what's next for them after their tour Empty Glen Power talks about music, their new single, reflect on the past two years of the band's career and what's next for them after their tour

Post by Admin Sat Sep 17, 2011 12:06 pm


Posts : 74
Join date : 10.09.11
Location : Indonesia

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Glen Power talks about music, their new single, reflect on the past two years of the band's career and what's next for them after their tour Empty Re: Glen Power talks about music, their new single, reflect on the past two years of the band's career and what's next for them after their tour

Post by the_naderpower Sat Sep 17, 2011 7:14 pm

sayang glen. Razz Embarassed Razz Embarassed

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Join date : 10.09.11
Age : 39
Location : jakarta

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